In a touching tale of unexpected motherhood, a dog named Pretina has stepped into the role of nurturing caregiver for a group of orphaned opossums. After their mother tragically passed away, the tiny opossums faced a grim future—until a compassionate woman named Stephanie Maldonado came to their rescue.
Stephanie discovered the newborns when they were still unable to open their eyes. Initially planning to take them to a wildlife rescue, she found the facility full and knew she had to take on the challenge herself. As a dog trainer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she was determined to bottle-feed the little ones every two hours, ensuring they received the care they desperately needed.
To her surprise, when Stephanie introduced the opossums to Pretina, her dog’s maternal instincts kicked in immediately. Pretina began to care for the tiny creatures as if they were her own puppies, providing warmth and protection. Stephanie was amazed by the bond forming between her dog and the orphaned opossums, sharing their heartwarming story on Facebook.
The little opossums, once faced with uncertainty, are now thriving under the care of both Stephanie and Pretina. They can be seen climbing onto Pretina’s back during walks, clearly enjoying their new life. This beautiful story of compassion and unlikely friendships is a testament to the power of love and nurturing instincts. 🐾❤️